An image is not simply a trademark, a design, a slogan or an easily remembered picture. It is a studiously crafted personality profile of an individual, institution, coporation, product or service.


Who WE are

We are a full-service communication network that can offer tailormade PR strategies and broader communication campaigns for the DACH-region and beyond.

What WE do

Apart from public relations, our expertise ranges from crisis communication to event design, program curation to copywriting and editing. 

WE analyze

Your audiences and your needs

WE create

Your communication strategy

WE consult

You on your challenges

WE communicate

On your behalf with scalable results

Who WE do it for

Our current portfolio ranges from tourism to real estate.

Why us

Located in the center of one of the most vibrant cities worldwide, whilst having a truly international background as well as portfolio, WE help you to


effectively, to your target audiences, your employees and your stakeholders.

Increase Brand Awareness

strategically, putting you on the map of consumers’ choice.

Build trust

thoroughly, in your market and beyond.

Stay relevant

consequently, with continuously updated messages and PR measures.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.

Georg Bernard Shaw


Romy Martínez
Leyvis Martínez
Graphic Design
Annabelle Eckert
Copy Writing

Join ur Journey

23 Mrz

Hoteleröffnung: Das VILLA COPENHAGEN ein Ort für Viele

Mit dem Villa Copenhagen bekommt Dänemarks Hauptstadt im April einen neuen gesellschaftlichen Mittelpunkt, der auf nachhaltigen Luxus setzt. Kopenhag…

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WeCommunicate. Berlin
10115 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30  3398 7107
E-mail: info@wecomm.de

Contact person: Romy Martínez